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Release 4.226 September 24, 2011 barney
  • When you have many c9 instances running it is hard to tell on taskbar which one is which.  New change, the taskbar description changes depending on what module you are in. i.e. 'C9 Spares', or 'C9 Workshop' etc
  • F12 Customer pickup - includes option to print list
  • F12 Customer pickup - include search option. e.g. search by name or order description
  • F12 customer pickup - dramatically improved performance of loading/displaying the list. Especially when there are lots of items in the list
  • Receive order - new checkbox to print barcodes after receive. When checked, after receive print barcode is displayed with all of the stock received items preloaded ready for printing
  • Bugfix tweaks on processing internet orders requested by Drew.
  • Bugfix - last version of c9 modified invoice attachments so name of the shop would be built into the name of the PDF file.  But there is a limit to length of the name of an attachment.  If too long then attachment name would be incorrect and many computers will not be able to open attachment.  Example:  "Really Long business name Bikes & bits" would generate an invalid name of a invoice. New change shortens a name using various algorithms, such as remove "Pty Ltd" etc. So above example becomes "Really Long business name Bikes Spare Parts invoice #123456.pdf".  Tested the algorithm with all c9 customer business names and results generated work well.