This version will modify the database; it will force you to log all terminals out during upgrade
- Unit quotes. Generate quotes and convert quotes into invoices
- Browse/Select unit. Various browse unit screens now contain a filter option that allows you to only display units that match the filter. i.e. all Generators, or all bikes whose model contains '250'
- Purchase unit. Add option for purchase similar unit : it will add another unit to the list of units being purchased by cloning the selected unit. Useful for processing a purchase order of a bunch of brush cutters of the same model type for example
- Accounts - ability to define type of phone. i.e. instead of 'Alt Phone' you can write 'Bobs Phone', or 'Bills Mobile'
- When browsing lists where search mechanism allows you to search by a date or an invoice number etc, automatically position the list at the bottom of the list. i.e. 99.9% of the time user is interested in last invoices, not first invoice ever raised in the system
- Stocktake sheets. Print barcode
- Stocktake entry. Redesign so list reflects exact same as printed output. Also tune interface to make data entry quicker
- Receive orders : new column : line total.
- Cash Till Report. Option to print detailed report on all transactions involved in the reporting period.
- Redesign of point of sale screens so sale finalization works more efficiently.
- Tender amount occurs after select payment method
- Tender is only asked if instrument is tenderable (only first Cash is tenderable, configurable via setup) and invoice amount is greater than
- Tender display only occurs if tendered amount is neither 0 or invoice value. i.e. there is change to tender.
- This change has implications. Specifically you can no longer book an account payment on invoice sale during point of sale. You now have to goto accounts separately and book payment. Arguably this implication yields better software too, as the way system used to work was a frequent cause of human error.
- Ability to open till on all sales; even if print docket is not selected
- Franchises - ability to 'archive' franchises. i.e. parts in franchise can no longer be accessed via POS but old profit reports etc still work
- Receive order : print invoice and order line item notes if any
- Bugfix - if you try to add certain items to the database (i.e. staff or jobitem), and trigger an error like 'Duplicate Clerk Key'; fixing the duplicate and clicking on OK again does not have expected result. Saved data is incorrect. Now fixed.
- Bugfix : buy sell report would not report received order items that were free-form added/modified onto a receive order at point of receive. Would only report received items which were formally ordered on either daily or stock order (regression caused by introduction of reserve/picklist)
- Bugfix: miner join of unit chains was not working correctly