- Added ability to generate HTML based email mailouts. This allows you to mess with fonts, colors, insert images, links and tables into miner generated emails. (Previously only plain emails were supported)
- Minor tweaks and usability annoyances
- cash till report : included a simplified version of detail report. (Prior was a print of biz activity report which is potentially too complicated for cash till analysis)
- Browse dealer units, could not keyin VIN number to search until click mouse in list of units. Now fixed
- Clockoff on different day. Disallow time travel (user specifying clockoff date/time that occurs before clockon)
- Spares deposit. If spares invoice is of invoice type then open account deposit taking window
- Create/convert account. Default balance limit to $0.01
- Built-in spell checker works properly on mail merge edits (bulk printer or new HTML/email system)
- Pickup workshop job : include big colorful banner at top of the window that indicates if pickup is cash/account/dealer/etc
- Cash till : till taking for initial workshop deposit would incorrectly record on job start date, not date job is entered into system
- Pickup Reserve order. Default invoice type to either receipt or invoice depending on type of customer
Note 4.230 addition of HTML contained some bugs which were only obvious to me when testing under Windows. 4.231 fixes these.