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Australia's best motorcycle shop retail software
- Spares point of sale : include option to allow users to merge parts on order onto an existing invoice. This helps keep parts to pickup list sensible and allows you to deal with situation where customer orders parts multiple occasions but you want to limit number of subsequent 'pickup' invoices that are issued.
- Pickup workshop job : make screen flow like create new job. Forces users to inspect costs and tallys with the intention of minimizing human error during workshop pickup
- Bug on pickup receive order. If you add additional parts to the invoice the system will actually remove those parts from stock twice. Bug has been in place since 4.84
- Bug on Print Estimate. Under some circumstances the list of items on the estimate would not print completely. Now fixed
- Add new customer. Default to cash customer
- Merge web order. On add new customer, default to cash customer. Also default limits etc appropriately
- MYOB sync : use received order date, not today's date for syncing spares invoices