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Release 4.236 November 8, 2011 barney
  • Messenger network connect is now more resilient in the face of intermittent network connectivity
  • Printing large notes such as workshop description on workshop invoice. If the length of the notes exceeded a single page, then c9 would previously only print first page of notes.  New version i more intelligent and is able to break up notes across multiple pages. The change also permits printing of notes where there is substantial space on a page, but not quite enough to print the entire notes. It will also break notes into multiple chunks in such cases
  • Miner : memorize list widths and use adjusted widths when printing miner reports
  • HTML mail merge:  size limit was too small. Increase capacity for HTML emails by x8
  • Javaw.exe is still running errors : recent update of java for windows would mean c9 would 'hang' during windows shutdown on some computers.  Added a workaround.