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Web server upgrades mostly complete November 27, 2011 barney

Over the weekend we have upgraded our server infrastructure into order to facilitate rapidly growing demand for hosting. We now have 10 times the storage capacity and significantly improved performance available for serving web pages etc.

Almost all services are now migrated.  Email and domain names will migrate over the next few days.

We will be decommissioning our backup server in the united states; because of cost practicalities it is unable to gracefully scale up to larger volumes at a reasonable price.  To compensate for this we have two additional backup services in place:

  • New server infrastructure uses mirrored RAID
  • New server infrastructure uses CDP technology (continuous data protection) to replicate to a physically separate backup store.

So backup profile is as follows:

  • Total unique near realtime data copies:  4
  • Total unique disaster recovery copies: 2

All our primary web service infrastructure is provided by an Aussie company: web 24.  I recommend them highly, professional, helpful and competent.