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Release 4.247 December 7, 2011 barney
  • Bug Fixes
    • Bug fix in Release 4.243 resulted in a new bug now fixed here.  Spares credit, if customer to credit is an account customer then system would always credit invoice to account only; it would not actually respond to attempts to set a cash amount to credit back; but it would permit user to key in payout method.
    • Workshop SMS notification.  System would send notification to email as well, even if email notification was explicitly disabled. Modified so that system pays attention to setup/customer configuration settings.
  • UI tweaks
    • Workshop complete SMS template. Following is possible to help fine tune construction of SMS messages.

{if(make='' and model='','job',make&' '&model)}

Example of a full template

Hi {contact}. Your {if(make='' and model='','job',make&' '&model)} is now available for pickup

What this will do is it will render unit make and model, i.e. 'Honda CBR-1000' if set, but if the workshop job does not involve a unit then system will instead render 'Job'.  Similar to defining Unit Formula for Stamp Duty Calculation, It is essentially computer programming, using a language called clarion (c9 is written in two languages, clarion and java); so not for the faint of heart.  De-constructing the above:

if ( condition ,trueresult, falseresult ) if condition evaluates to true then use trueresult, else use falseresult
make='' and model='' a condition test means if both make and model are blank
'job' the true result the literal text Job.  Literal strings use single quote (') characters.
make&' '&model false result, if either make or model are set. Combines make and model and puts a single space between them.  Note & must be used to combine text together. + cannot be used. Clarion assumes + means convert items to numbers first and numerically add them together.