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Australia's best motorcycle shop retail software
- Website : left hand menu bar can be setup so that clicking on a menu item will link you to an external website.
- Point of sale: option to sell parts directly to a unit. Sale is actually treated as a workshop sale, workshop job is automatically created and then finalized as part of the point of sale process. Saves having to go through workshop workflow when all you want to do is sell a couple of items to a floor unit.
- F12 pickup : display earliest creation date for orders involved for a given invoice
- Catalogs
- image processing improvements (better image scaling, better/faster clipping).
- Update Suzuki Aus bike listing.
- Import from brp website. Can-am Spyder and Sea-doo Jet-skis
- Import from softway website, via Paul Feeney. Husqvarna Motorcycles and MV Augusta.
- Usability : permit double click on catalog unit listing to drill down to actual diagrams
- Bug Fixes
- Receive order: somehow a received part ended up on an active order. Modify F12 receive to check active/printed order as well for parts ready for pickup.
- MYOB chart of accounts : structure was being inferred based on account numbering system. Modified to reflect the precise structure as managed inside MYOB, without regard for the numbering employed.
- Internal software changes
- Switched to latest Clarion 8 IDE. Carefully audited software, function by function, and am confident in quality of migration
- Restructured code so that projection from network map to 1:M hierarchy is much smaller, 1/1000 of what it was. Excessively large map projection was causing older Clarion 5.5 IDE to crash.