Sometimes you may need to do a forceful reimport of fiche diagrams; typically because of a BFU as Dave calls them; a type of programming bug. Adding the ability to import catalogs into c9 is a fiddly and delicate business; and getting it spot-on is a significant software engineering challenge for us; our error rate for bugs in this part of c9 is substantially higher than our overall defect rate. Occasionally we will release versions that fix catalogue importers that require data already imported to be removed and import to be redone all over.
Following explains how to do this.
Go into Import catalog and select franchise to import as you would normally.
After selecting the franchise you will see the following screen.
Normally you would click on 'OK' to continue. But to do a full reimport first clickon Advanced options; and click on the option Reimport Everything (slow). Now click on 'OK' to continue. That is it.