- Images : display an image preview when browsing for images. So you don't have to open an image file to see what it is.
- Point of Sale ad-hoc/freeform/quick orders. Complete redesign to make it easier to use
- Easier to to select quick order or ad-hoc supplier order.
- Permit ad-hoc franchise order
- Permit specification of part number (i.e. part not on price file.)
- Give user option to add part to price/stock file if part number is specified
- Business : option to record cash taking on transactions where no cash was selected.
Note that this option should not be used to facilitate deferred payments/debtors; i.e. as a substitute for account customers and pickup later functions; and the screen says as such. We don't want to encourage improper use of the software and a tool like this if repurposed to handle deferred payments puts you at risk of losing track of your debtors, costing you moey. The tool is provided to complete functionality and to help with balancing cash till and to correct errors during point of sale. Ideally, 'No Cash' option should be disabled and it can be disabled via c9 by configuring clerk keys appropriately, but we don't want disable it outright because invariably removing this function will have negative impacts as we suspect many shops regularly use it.
- Units : modified stock report so you can see stock at a given point in time, or current stock as of now.
- Analytics: Deloitte Honda program changes. Value of units changed to be cost price of unit; (less additional costs); not asking price. Also tuning selection a little better to better cope with sold units and split/merged units
- Catalogs
- Fix with Triumph : replace exotic characters that do not store correctly in the database.
- Fix with Triumph #2 : some notes on additional parts would not import. Now fixed.
- Fix with Honda and Yamaha (mainly honda). On a diagram a reference can have multiple part numbers. Alternatives and old pre-supercession numbers. We don't want to show old pre-supercession numbers as this makes it harder to read diagrams. Prior versions simply ignored duplicates, but this inadvertently filters out alternatives. Modified so it filters out superceded numbers but only if the new number is also listed on the diagram.
- Remove KTM PDF file import. Allow 'BUTMAC' as a franchise name match KTM Dealer.NET import.
- Online backup (technical changes)
- Verification cycle is now better able to detect when database has simultaneously changed, and is able to detect this mid verification and abort verification process midway.
- Removed a race condition in the process of retransmitting backup data and handling of subsequent backup ACK from server; the ACK could in theory result in wrong meta data sync records being removed. I cannot figure out a way that this bug could of resulted in improper backups, but a race condition and a race condition too many, so it has now been removed.
- Bug fixes
- Costmetic: Clear account details before printing spares order. so that if order is emailed, a spurrious account code will not appear next to the email in Notification History list
- Receive order. Print barcodes from stocked items on receive order would not include items that do not have an original order number. i.e. parts added ad-hoc onto the receive. Now fixed.