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Release 4.273 March 12, 2012 barney

This version includes database changes and will force you to log all terminals out first.

  • Workshop fixes
    • Workshop invoices would not print discount line if discounts were only line item discounts. Now fixed
    • Spares discounting: if line item is set to 0.00, do not treat as a 100% discount, just set line item value to 0.00.  Change is because dealers typically do this because of warranty claims; and a warranty claim is not a discount.
  • Website enhancements
    • Ability to configure freight options inside c9
    • Ability to configure website banner logo inside c9 (for this to be enabled, your website needs to be configured to use logo setup in c9. Contact barney to arrange)
    • Configuration above allows you to prefix order number on import web order to indicate freight option. i.e. '[EXPRESS] Web Order: 12345'.