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Release 4.274 March 14, 2012 barney

Includes DB changes. You will be required to log all terminals out as part of upgrade.

  • Catalogs
    • Added support for Polaris
    • Bugfix with PFG/Softway : radio button to select PFG or softway based login was not working
  • Tweaks and bug fixes
    • Part buy/sell - now shows parts ordered where there was no original c9 order. i.e. part received into c9 via orders but was not actually ordered via c9.  Previously these would not be displayed.
    • Part buy/sell - is now accessible via view invoice, view order and view received order.  Makes tracking movement of parts even easier
    • Ad Hoc order : if no supplier was selected and click on OK, system would popup select franchise window; instead of select supplier window
    • Ad Hoc Order: will ask you to add freeform part into stock. Should never do this.
    • Point of Sale, F2 Deposit. If you press F2 and then press F10 immediately it will clear deposit but keep discount rate.  Normally if user does this it is because the clicked on F2 accidently. Fixed by disabling F10 button until they explicitly set discount rate or discount amount to reduce risk of data entry error
    • Refund parts; default discount to be given to not exceed discount on original invoice less discount already refunded.  Can be overwritten later, via F10+F2
    • Order ready notification. Previously email notifications would send email when any parts where ready, whereas SMS notification could be configured so that sms is only sent when all parts are ready. Rationalisation for email being different is that in email message we explain/list what parts are still on order.  But this can cause confusion and lots of annoying emails.  So modified so that email behaviour is exactly the same as SMS behaviour: either wait for all parts or send on any part: configured during original point of sale.