Upgraded our backup server infrastructure over weekend. Added in larger and faster hard disks.
C9 websites have had a number of new features added to them
- Ability to configure web special prices. Example of how looks visually.
- Ability to add a spare part onto the website many times, in different locations.
- C9 configured freight options and banner logo
- Improved image caching; means website should be even faster.
- Improved database indexing. Even faster websites.
- Average web page load for c9 website is now <150 ms. Very quick; compared to other motorcycle dealer websites which tend to hover around double this. Hosting in Australia, while arguably more expensive, gives a much better result than offshore hosting esepcially when most of your web visitors are from Australia.
Changes to backup server email notifications to further reduce false positive alarms.
Added more network monitoring to server. Because of image caching problem, we went well over billing limits this billing period. Shortly I will include weekly reports on website activity. i.e. # of unique visitors, # of page hits, etc.