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c9 online websites with fiche diagrams categorize diagrams into different sections. i.e. 'Rear Wheel', 'Wiring Harness' etc.  C9 does this by looking at the name of a diagram and matching it against a rule to figure out what category it is.

The rules built into c9 are tuned originally for Honda and KTM early 2011 but little work has happened since then and there is no consistency across suppliers.  Result is as of time of writing this, of the 1.2 million diagrams hosted on c9 powered websites, 15% of those diagrams are located in the 'Uncategorized' section on the website.

Managing mapping of diagrams is tedious work, which is why we created tools in c9 so that you can do this task :-). Read on for more

Design Overview

Minimised Effort via rules

You don't have to painstakingly map each diagram. You select a single diagram and select its correct category. c9 will automatically build a rule based on the diagrams name. So that potentially all other diagrams with the same (or very similar) name can also be automatically updated.

Shared Effort via crowd sourcing

Mapping done by other c9 dealers is automatically shared and available to you; as is mapping you do available to other dealers. Mapping rules you create are saved into a centralized database.  So the effort you spend is shared by others  i.e. the 'Crowd source' buzzword.  The task of mapping diagrams to categories is shared amongst c9 dealers running online websites.  At c9 we also contribute when time permits.

Opt Out ability

You can opt out of crowd sourcing approach if you wish. via C9 setup. Call barney if you have any concerns

The rule mapping c9 applies executes in the following order:

  • Rules you manually add are preferentially processed first
  • Crowd sourced rules from other dealers are then processed.  Roughly, most recently added rules take precedence over older rules.
  • Finally, base rules built into c9. The very last rule in that list will map a diagram to the 'Uncategorized' category.

Mapping Uncategorised diagrams

To access uncategorised diagrams, goto:

  • Spare parts
  • Utilities
  • Catalogue Utils
  • Uncategorized Diagrams

This will give you a list of uncategorized diagrams. To map a diagram click on modify and select appropriate category. This will map the selected category and create a new rule. Note that doing this does not automatically apply the rule to all other diagrams. To do this see next section on how to reapply rules.


Recalculating Categories

The above step only updates a single diagram and creates a rule for that diagram. It does not apply the rule to all other diagrams. To do this run the following:

  • Spare parts
  • Utilities
  • Catalogue Utils
  • Recalculate fiche categories

Fixing incorrect categories

Finally, to fix a incorrectly mapped diagram, goto the diagram via following option:

  • Spare parts
  • Utilities
  • Catalogue Utils
  • Manage catalogues

Select diagram similar to process used to search diagrams in point of sale.  Modify diagram category as required. Note that this process also creates/updates rules. To apply rule to all other diagrams, use the recalculate option described above.