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Mac OSX Installer April 29, 2012 barney

Apple Mac tragics rejoice.  C9 now provides a Mac OSX terminal installer.

Goto our downloads page and you can find it there.

C9 is based on java architecture and because of this it is possible to run it on any modern operating system.  It has been tested on Windows XP and onwards (99% of what retail bike industry use), Linux (what Barney uses) and now Mac OSX.

The only requirement is that the OS is able to run Java 6 or above.  One of the many limitations Mac users are forced to suffer is that Java availability, in the past at least, on Mac is notoriously tardy compared to Windows and Linux.  Getting Java 6 onto older Mac OS versions can be something of a task.


Other reasons why you should preferentially run C9 on Windows instead of Mac OSX

  • Support.  If something does not work under Mac for whatever reason we will not be able to provide level of support to diagnose and fix such problems as what we can provide for Windows users.  If you call us with a Mac OSX problem brace yourself for the possibility that we will not be able to fix it at all.  For business continuity make sure you have a fallback plan to a windows machine.
  • Some things do not work at all
    • Receipt printing (it could be made to work, but currently it probably doesn't)
    • Barcode printing does not work out of the box. You have to manually install your own 3of9 barcode fonts to overcome this
    • Integration with Windows software, Quickbooks, MYOB, and various EPC systems will not work
    • Importing Honda, Suzuki and Yamaha diagrams is not possible. (You can view them though, so import them on a windows computer).
  • Some things do not work that well
    • Fonts, screens and reports.  C9 screens and reports are designed to work with standard windows fonts and layout does not dynamically factor in font metrics. Result is that some instances text layout looks ugly and overlaps other controls/text.  Best way to deal with this is to copy windows fonts into you Mac font list.