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On of the most difficult parts of a dealer business operation, and thus the c9 product, to conceptualize and operate is spare parts ordering.  It is also the area where some customers use improperly or even fall back to using manual processes outside of c9.

We are now experimenting with a new visual design approach with the intent of making ordering simpler and more intuitive.  The result of which is now partially implemented in c9.

What we are trying now is to model spare parts like a more classic order book. Where all parts on order are listed and managed from.  The electronic book will convey all the advantages of computerization : rapid searching, filtering and reorganization of the information; yet it will present all information in a single location, just like a paper order book. Hopefully, the best of both worlds.

This is a work in progress and incomplete.  Early results have been shipped to canvass early feedback and suggestions.

Following is main screen shot with key elements highlighted.