A long standing feature omission in c9 has now been plugged. The ability to generate and track gift cards.
Gift cards have the following broad features:
- Generate gift cards internally to c9
OR use c9 gift cards to keep track of gift cards you have already issued/printed. i.e. http://www.plastic-cards.com.au/ - Track various information against cards
- Track gift cards and what they were used to purchase
- Security features that make c9 gift cards difficult to counterfeit
- Use gift cards to service any POS function in c9 where payment method is requested
- Use Multiple gift cards on a single purchase. Or mix gift cards + other payment methods. i.e. gift card + cash.
- Track consumption on a gift card and use it many times for multiple purchases upto the original value of the card
C9 Gift Card Security Features
C9 Generated gift cards contain a 12 digit number. The first six digits are an incrementing number. The last six digits are a randomly generated security number.
C9 will only honour vouchers in the system that have been sold but not yet fully consumed. So attempts to counterfeit vouchers require someone to correctly guess the entire voucher number. The first 6 digits are easy to guess, the last six digits are not easy.
In addition, the entire number is only ever visible twice in the life of a gift card.
- When you initially sell a gift card, the number is visible on screen during point of sale process.
- When after a voucher is sold a gift card print out is sent to your printer. On the printout the number is visible (as a number and as a barcode)
So once a gift card is printed, only the recipient of the gift card can access the full voucher number. Staff members/ dealers of the system cannot see the number after sale. In various screens and reports in c9, all they see are the first six digits. Even on the database itself the voucher ID is encrypted. So if the customer loses the gift card, their only possible recourse is to have the gift card cancelled and a new one reissued.
This provides you with what is known as non-repudiation. It allows you to reject any customer claim that the usage of a gift card was not authorized by them. In english: if a customer says that they did not use a gift card, you can argue that only they have access to the voucher ID; as such any loss must be a consequence of them distributing the voucher ID number.
Selling Gift Cards
Goto Business , Gift Cards. Select the option 'Sell Gift Card'
Here you can set following details
- Gift card type.
- Either c9 automatically generates a gift card number as described above with a voucher and security component
- Or you key in a tracking number yourself. Self entered tracking numbers do not have a security component. The full number is visible in various screens and reports in c9
- Description. Type in whatever you like
- Gift card value. Very important. Self evident
- Customer. You can track gift cards against customers. Either the customer purchasing the card, or the intended recipient of the card, or anyone else. It is purely for display and organization purposes so use whatever you see appropriate here.
- Notes. Additional notes
Using Gift Cards
To use a gift card, in payment method screen simply select 'Gift Card' It is a new option down the bottom. The option is only available if you have any active gift cards in the system.
Then key in the gift card number.
Tip: if you've never seen the above 'Select Payment Method' window when using c9 it might be because payment methods are not enabled. To enable payment methods from Main Menu goto Setup, Payments + Deposits tab, and make sure the checkbox "Request Instrument/Device details where appropriate" is selected. Payment method must be enabled in order to access ability to pay via Gift Card.
If the gift card is insufficient to cover cost of the invoice then a gift card list window appears where you and add additional gift cards. Close the window once you have ran out of gift cards to scan. If the sum of available funds on gift card is insufficient to cover cost of the invoice c9 will then take you to the multiple payment methods screen where you keyin difference using cash/EFT/whatever.
Generated invoices will show gift card number below in list of payment methods:
Voiding Gift Cards
To void a gift card goto Business, Gift Cards. Select gift card in question and select option Delete/Invalidate
There Care two cancellation options:
- Cancel and return remaining funds to the user
- Cancel and withhold funds. Keep money for yourself
C9 models gift cards the same way it models account deposits. On the basis that no goods or services have been exchanged then no tax invoices are raised as such there is no GST component on the purchase of a gift card. Essentially all you are doing is holding their money for a later purchase.
GST is incurred on invoices when gift cards are redeemed.
Also for any gift card that is cancelled and money is withheld. In this circumstance a service has been rendered and paid for and is as such taxable.
Request Instrument/Device details where appropriate