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Release 4.284 May 6, 2012 barney

This version includes database changes. You will be forced to log all terminals out as part of upgrade

  • Added gift cards
  • Tweaks
    • Optimized database performance of key business/cash screens and reports: Activity, Cash Till Summary/detail and business audit. All these functions should now complete near instantaneously, whereas before it could take a few seconds.
    • Cash till detailed report. Indicate reference type. i.e. 'W' for workshop job. Activity: show reference type.
    • Credit spares invoice.  Preset freight/other to credit based on original invoice. Only do this if invoice has not already been credited
    • Select Workshop job.  Disallow double click menu access. This can create some confusing recursive function access behaviour
    • Print A4 Spares Reserve. Print words 'Qty Held', as opposed to 'Qty Sup'
    • SMS workshop job ready.  Cost in message is now less deposit. Previously was full price of the job. Email notification provides more detailed breakdown. Old SMS behaviour can be reverted. Goto setup, notification. Changes appropriate message by replacing {cost} with {fullcost}
    • Merge/Split unit.  New units were defaulting to GST exempt. Now default to inc GST
    • Workshop.  Allow modification of spare part description copied from spares department.
  • Bugfixes
    • Profit summary : was calculating COGS on spares on workshop incorrectly
    • Add similar unit. Recent changes fixed one corner case but created a multitude of problems for common cases. Details lost, price and line items lost and GST exempt status. Now fixed.
    • Display error. Sell parts to workshop job, on select job it would show last customer you where looking at on a dealer job. Now blanks out customer details.
    • Fix descriptive text on unit main menu
    • SEll Unit.  Annoying behaviour where if you add a unit to sell, each time you select first wizard pane it pops up a select unit window