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Release 4.285 May 8, 2012 barney
  • Payment methods
    • Added two more payment methods.  Maximum of 8 in total
    • Redesigned select payment method screen to 'vertically' compress depending on number of payment methods configured. If you configure all 8, window will be very tall. if you only configure 3, window will be shorter.
  • Bug with add floorplan costs.  System would calculate trust receipt value to nearest dollar in this window. If you went to pay out a unit whose trust receipt was not exactly a dollar figure, system would write a curtailment into the system to the nearest value of the TR. Because of this curtailment added during payout will be incorrect, either slightly under or over depending on rounding. Now fixed.
  • Spare parts - print 2 copies of invoices. New setup option : only print 2 copies for account invoices only.  Other invoice types will only print one copy.