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Release 4.287 May 10, 2012 barney

This version includes database changes. You will be forced to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Orders
    • Added notion of being able to flag suppliers that allow shipping direct to customer (i.e. Polaris and Toro) and flag customers for whom shipping directly to makes sense.  When these two conditions intersect on any parts on order, when order is printed user is given option to split out the order (if there are a mix of shipping destinations for parts in current active order), and when shipping destination is to a customer, the alternative shipping address is prominently displayed on the printout.
    • Bug : if you were to order a part and print an active order on different terminals at the same time, there was a slight risk the part would go onto the order being printed but would not appear on actual printout. Result is part never gets ordered.  Now fixed.
  • Quotes. Quotes now track whether or not they have been converted into something else (another quote, an invoice). If a quote has been converted then by default, F7 import will not show these. But there is a checkbox which shows all quotes, open quotes and converted quotes.
  • Workshop warranty : screen was not displaying paid amount from supplier for paid supplier warranty jobs