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Release 4.290 May 16, 2012 barney

Requires database changes. System will force you to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Workshop
    • Workshop used to have the ability to configure 'merging' of timesheet labour onto a job. i.e. merge on same day, same week, always, never etc.  Since recent changes to add ability to track break and idle time this ability was lost and c9 did not respect the configuration setting and always merged labour. Now fixed.
    • Print workshop invoices. Option to merge all labour into a single line item. Option is in setup.
    • Pickup job.  Recall date displayed is nothing like recall data initially entered into complete screen. Now fixed.
  • Units - add note field on view/modify unit
  • Import OPEA price file - include option to set a base markup if discount % on import is zero. (Franchise markups apply ontop of this)
  • Orderbook - add collapse/expand and added filters for finished parts vs finished orders