- Print Workshop invoice : would print unit custom fields on jobs where there is no unit. Fixed.
- Orderbook - find/find next feature was busted. Now fixed
- New command line option /orderbook allows you to have a desktop icon that opens up immediately on the order book
- Customer statements: option to only print the outstanding balance, not aged trial balance. To 'guide' customers to the correct amount they should be paying : i.e. their total balance.
- Cash till report : more tab order tweaks. Reorganized gold/silver and modified calculation to move focus of print summary button as soon as till balances
- New Suzuki EPC Online system, part list saved locally is slightly different to part list saved from old CD based EPC. Modified c9 to cope with both
- Harley Davidson reporting changes
- Obsolete parts take stocked part creation date into account. i.e. do not consider parts obsolete that where only recently added into stock and not yet ever sold
- Accessory inventory and merchant inventory selectors not working correctly. Fixed
Note: 4.294 broke cash till print summary. 4.295 fixes this break.