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C9's import of KTM catalogs imports information from KTM's dealernet website.  The website although contains all KTM's manufactured world wide, not just Australian models.  So c9 tries to be 'smart' and only import Australian models.  The logic though does not correctly import all models although.

For example, SX-F models and EXC.  In Australia, I believe that SX-F used in Australia are the US models and EXC are European.  C9 by default skips these thinking they are overseas models.

Following describes how to do work around this.

Importing all models of a certain type

To import all models of a certain type, goto following in c9

  • Spares
  • Utilities
  • Import Catalogue
  • Select KTM
  • Select KTM Dealer.NET
  • Now type in user name and password and click on 'Customize Model List'

  • Now in the list you will see models.  List on the left are models to import. List on the right are models to ignore. In the right list highlight the models you want to also import. i.e. SX-F (USA) and EXC (EU), and click on the arrow button to move them from the right list to the left list

  • Click on continue to proceed

Importing all models of a certain type and year

The above will import everything of a certain name.  To import just a single type + year pair then do the following.

  • Repeat above steps, but when you see the following window where you select KTM Dealer.NET, instead of clicking on OK, click on Advanced options first.

  • In advanced options,  select radio button to access year and select the year (or year range you wish to import).  Then proceed with steps above to select custom models to import. It is recommended that you first check online with Dealer.NET to make sure year and model names match as you expect them; otherwise nothing will be imported if the model name(s) you select do not exist for that year.