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Release 4.296 June 4, 2012 barney
  • You can now print more detailed fine print on bottom of spares, units and workshop invoices.  The fine print can be setup to be different depending on whether sale is an account or cash sale.  To configure fine print goto Setup, Browse setup tables, dealership details and select the tab 'invoice fine print'.  Rest should be self explanatory
  • Sell gift cards : for systems where clerk keys are disabled selling gift card (or refunding a gift card) would still ask for a clerk key. Now fixed.
  • Workshop printouts : repair authority, job card and job in progress card.  If workshop job has 'select unit later' checked these printouts will now print out a 'slot' with blank unit details. Allows techs to write in information on printout for later data entry.
  • Order spares.  If spare part in question has a zero list price, then assume cost price of item on order is lastincost (only works for stocked items ).
  • Miner
    • Customer query now provides finer grained control over bulk email/sms marketing filter. So you can select customers for following:
      • List customers who have explicitly requested to opt out of email/SMS promotions
      • List customers who are opted in but c9 does not have either an email address or mobile phone number on file for them
    • Improved performance/load time of certain miner queries. Particularly filter conditions which in query window are setup as radio buttons. e.g. Workshop status filter.