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Release 4.298 & 4.299 June 12, 2012 barney

This upgrade introduces database changes and will force you to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Workshop
    • Workshop : track new field. Customer order number.  Visible/settable on most workshop forms and printed on most workshop printouts, including job card and tax invoice.
    • Pickup job. Option to allow you to pickup multiple jobs in one go for a single customer.
    • Workshop invoice. Printing of payment method values was dodgy for cash invoices involving prepaid workshop jobs where prepaid amount exceeded invoice and customer is to receive reimbursement for difference. Modified so it only prints cash handled at point of invoice. i.e. normally balance remaining to be paid, or in case where deposit is too much, then indication of deposit refunded.
    • Pickup warranty job.  Handle situation where warranty job has prepaid deposit. i.e. refund deposit when job is invoiced.
  • Invoice classifications
    • Under some circumstances classification would not be recorded against invoice. Fixed
    • Do not ask for classification for factory unit purchases. (System will ask to classify customer purchases)
  • Order unit : allow user to specify a customer order number
  • Customers - add new flag 'Must supply order number'.  When an invoice is raised on such a customer and order number field is blank (or notes field in case of a unit sale), c9 warns you that the customer normally requires tracking of their own order numbers for invoicing.  You can click through the warning and proceed anyway.
  • Ad hoc stock adjustment report. Option to filter on miscellaneous adjustments or stock taking adjustments.