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Release 4.302 July 4, 2012 barney
  • Order book - option to access view part
  • Stock Analysis - option to access view part
  • Multiple payment methods. Under some circumstances c9 would appear to memorize payment values of prior txn performed (or even viewed) when user expectation in circumstances such as creating a new sale, is that these are reset. Now fixed.
  • Receive order. Option to add parts to bottom of list instead of in part number order. This may be useful when receiving back order parts where parts printed in receive sheet from supplier are not in part number order and you would like to line up what is on screen with what you see on the printed sheet.
  • Browse units by Query function.  Screen display would refresh in strange ways when viewing a unit and going back. Now fixed.
  • View customer : new tab to show all parts they have invoiced
  • Point of  sale : when you complete point of sale and set a discount. The prior window you could still see 'GT' which did not update when you tweaked values in complete screen.  Very unintuitive. To deal with this, the line of figures in bottom right is hidden when you click F10 to proceed with sale
  • Point of sale : edit discount dollar value and press F10 would not apply the value entered. Now fixed.
  • Import KTM catalogues.  The list of units retrieved is now sensitive to filter settings in advanced.  Means unit list loads faster and resulting list of units is only a sub set, making process of adding more units more intuitive.
  • Import Generic CSV price file. Cope with '$' and ',' etc in numeric fields on CSV files.