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Release 4.305 July 12, 2012 barney

Requires Database Changes. You will be forced to log all terminals out during upgrade.

  • Messenger improvements.  On some dealers, messenger can be problematic with combination of slow network links and high traffic volumes, i.e. emailing and backing up monthly statement email send outs.  This version includes a number of changes to address this.
    • Smaller PDF attachments :  pdf files are now aggressively compressed
    • Logo in PDF. Previously each page would re-code the business logo. So 10 page pdf would have the same imaged coded into it 10 times. PDF allows you to code a image once and have if appear on multiple pages, resulting in much smaller pdf files. Now in place
    • Network watchdog timer on client side is now sensitive to work load. previously it could cause link to restart even though it was in active use, due to buffering delays caused by existing workload. Now it does not run when network pipe is in active use
    • Online backup retransmission  : was far too aggressive, retransmitting on 5 seconds by default.  Large blocks of data such as pdf attachments cannot possibly RTT in <5secs.  Added configurable threshold multiplier.  So by default first retransmit attempt will not occur for 60 seconds.
    • Low level network fixes.  Threadrace conditions on outbound compress sockets; racing close and write operations.  Decoding of p2p messages not handling end of stream properly; yielding nulls instead of end of stream in some circumstances.
  • Initial deployment to support unit sale paperwork.  Vic only. Just a few initial documents to get the ball rolling. (Contract of Sale)
  • Customers - Ability to break down and track customer name into individual fields. i.e. [Mr] [Andrew] [Charles] [Barnham].  This allows for intuitive discrimination between incorporated bodies and individuals.
  • Units - ability to track a finance deal.  Tracking finance company involved and balance owing from finance company as a debtor
  • Workshop - cash sale using a payment method which is not configured as a tendered method (e.g. Eft/Card) will erroneously print 'outstanding' on the invoice.  Now fixed.
  • Spares pack quantity. For suppliers that provide price files with pack pricing, or expect order qtys to reflect # of packs, not # of items c9 now has some mechanisms in place.
    • Add/Edit part. Ability to set a pack value.  Ecordqty must be divisable by this figure.  They can be different. i.e. 6 in a pack, it is economical to order 3 packs at a time.  Pack value can only be set if either following two settings are configured:
    • Edit franchise - ability to indicate if price file is pack pricing. If set then import price file will divide list price by pack value
    • Edit franchise - ability to indicate if order must show pack quantities. if set then quantity transmitted to supplier on print order or export order is divided by pack quantity (rounded up).
    • To try and keep things as simple as possible, in c9, c9 always consistently refers to things by their individual quantities and their individual prices.  It is only at the point of interface with a supplier, when sending an order and when processing a price file do these new rules and behaviours apply.  So for example on receive order, the data you input into c9 was, is, and will likely to remain, individual items and prices only.