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Online backup tweaks August 27, 2012 barney

Online backup process sends a nightly email telling you status of backup.

The email will sometimes misreport an error with backup synchronization, especially over the weekend.  I've made some changes to the system to reduce likelihood of these annoying 'false positives'.

  • Email now reports when last data copy occurred and when last verification occurred.
    • Data copy is actual copying of data and it normally happens within 5 seconds of a change in c9, i.e. creating a new invoice
    • Verification is a periodic check to make sure copy in c9 is exactly the same as copy in backup.  It typically happens after c9 has been idle for 20 minutes.  For a typical shop which isn't too busy, verification can happen 3 or 4 times a day.  Usually it happens at least once a day, but c9 can go an entire day without a verification.  This typically happens on very busy days where computers are turned off at the end of the day (e.g. Saturday)
  • Email now only reports an error under following conditions
    • If a verification error occurs (almost never)
    • If verification has not been performed for over 7 days
    • If there has been neither data copy or verification in past 2 days