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Release 4.307 August 8, 2012 barney

Includes database changes. You will be forced to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Remove spare parts locking.  Two different terminals can view and sell the same part at the same time.  If 2nd terminal to sell part discovers it does not have sufficient stock, the sale will abort and parts will be automatically modified ready for ordering ready for a second attempt
  • New Victorian Contract of sale documents.
  • Multi payment method : remove no cash option (option is still there in single method mode. Under multi method mode user experience is confusing and error prone, so just removed it).
  • Tweaks to Workshop invoice to print full VIN and rego as separate fields
  • Select spares quote : display customer order number
  • Phone book : tab to show suppliers only
  • Keystroke ergonomics on modify customer, setting personal vs company customer
  • BMW price file importing
  • Access gift cards in spares
  • Track whether or not spare parts were forced sold.  No functional behaviour yet, simply data gathering. Later versions of c9 intend to make use of  this information,  but precise usages are not yet defined.  One obvious one is to provide an additional metric on the 'quality' of inventory.  Other obvious usages exist, but they have non obvious negative consequences that need to be thought through properly before considering further.
  • Bug fix : do not include predelivery workshop jobs in unit cost. Assume costs will be passed onto customer.
  • Bug fix : convert unit quote into sale. Sale would not ask to use cash customer deposit on converted quote.  Now fixed.
  • Bug fix: Fix displayed unit purchase confirm status when purchasing units not on system.
  • Import KTM fiche. Remove confusing customize list option
  • Overnight clockoff, do not allow user to modify date