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Release 4.309 & 4.310 August 11, 2012 barney

Bug with new stock take feature added in last version 4.308.  Consider a price file import involving a part and a part that superceeds to that part.

What was happening is that the qty is first updated to 1 and then it is updated to 2.  But typically what this means is that stock take did a stock take on 3 parts and considered them to be two different part numbers.  On file these need to be added together.

Change in this version will treat stocked items that are duplicated such as supercessions as adjustments. So inventory is initially adjusted to 1 and then adjusted by an additional +2.  Making final inventory 3 in above example.

4.310 - another bug, this time with handling of 'full' stock take.  Under some well defined circumstances, full would zero out stock listed in the import file. Specifically : if the qty on the import file already matched what was on stock file, then full directive would zero this out. Now fixed.