As of version 4.318, c9 supports online warranty registration for Stihl and Honda initially. As other suppliers make registration processes available we will integrate into them.
How it broadly works:
- As you sell (or quote) a new unit to be sold. You will be presented with a new screen that captures two things:
- Whether or not you want the unit to be registered online (default yes)
- Supplier specific fields and questions relating to registration (e.g. intended usage, private/commerical)
- Periodically, say once a week, you will then use a function in c9 to generate an export file for warranty registration
- That file is uploaded to the supplier as per supplier instructions
Secondary notes/concerns:
- Units sold prior to upgrade of c9 to version 4.318 will not be automatically available for online registration. Only new sales
- You can manually modify the above behaviour via modify unit
- You can re-generate export files
- You can individually flag a previously exported unit as not exported (via modify unit); that unit will be re-exported on the next export run.
Point of Sale Changes
When you sell a unit, you will be presented with an additional screen to configure whether or not warranty is to be exported and additional, supplier specific warranty items.
Export Warranty
To export warranty goto:
- Units
- Units
- Warranty Registration
You will see a screen like this; showing previous exports; if any.
Use [Create New Export] to export a new file. This will automatically export all units waiting to be exported.
If there are no units waiting c9 will report this.
If there are units for both Honda and Stihl waiting, c9 will ask you to select. If only one c9 will export those automatically.
On export, you will be asked to save the export file. Refer to supplier documentation on how to import this file.
Other things
To re-generate an export file; highlight the export in c9 in Warranty Registration screen and select Re-Export.
To view/modify units grouped into a single export, select View from above Warranty Registration screen.
Use View Unit/Modify view from the multiple of paths to these screens inside c9 (e.g. from View Invoiced Units) to tweak warranty setting and supplier specific details.