Includes database changes. You will be forced to logout during upgrade
This version represents a significant overhaul on how unit sales are managed. In terms of unit sales a number of key things have been delivered
- The ability to construct a deal over time. A deal remains open and tracks details of the deal over an extended period of time. Possibly weeks or months. So instead of having to feed in a sale into c9 all in one go, you can slowly build up a deal over time, from expression of interest to final closure.
- Proper costing of line items on sold units. So you can more accurately track profit on things such as passed on/discounted/waived pre-delivery costs, document/inspection fees etc.
- The ability, via deals to track and manage deposits taken on individual units.
- The ability to record encumbrances owing on purchased units at point of sale (or on a deal)
Other changes in this version
- Gift card bug fix. Certain rare sequence of operations will damage a gift card and render it unusable. Workaround is to cancel card and create a new one.
- New price file importer : John Deere.
- Note : John Deere file contains a huge number of supercession (4oo k) records that mostly fail (mainly dead chains). C9's current supercession resolver on import is not terribly efficient, nor in the past was it necessary for it to be efficient. But with John Deere file it takes about 30 minutes to trace busted supercessions. TODO : modify import to use a more optimized supercession check. I have a tested solution in play, that is at least x10 faster, but will not be part of this release due to time constraints. Next one probably.
- Import price file : remove MCS from list. MCS now publish an Excel price file
- Suggested max/restocking rule. Redesigned window so visually more intuitive. i.e. do not allow user to tweak rules unless last stock order for franchise in question used historical analysis method of reordering. Also fixed a NPE crash bug.
- Workshop job screen. A glitched network error while trying to modify job record could cause the job record to be damaged effectively deleting it. Improved error checking logic associated with workshop screen so network problems are handled more gracefully (and non destructively)