Includes database changes. You will need to log all terminals out during upgrade
- Website SEO tools - web side of things not yet built. Will include a post that explains these new functions once corresponding webpage changes have been made.
- Select account by query. Some filters, like last name were not working in the query result screen. Now fixed
- F2 lookup part : now has a wildcard search option. Runs really slow, but allows you to do fine tune searching when existing description search is not up to the task.
- Workshop staff report : was incorrectly including quoted/estimate labour. Now fixed
- Receive spares : print invoice date on receive sheet
- Import price file bug fixes
- Deleted stocked item. Was not properly checking 12 month sale history and would delete parts where qtyonhand=maxqty=minqty=0 but had some recent history. Now fixed.
- New supercession checker gave up on chains longer than 20 parts. Yamaha have heaps of parts longer than this. Modified new supercession checker to give up after 100 parts; i.e. the limit of the prior supercession chain tracker.