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Release 4.320 October 5, 2012 barney
  • New main menu function. Search. Type in a search term,  c9 will make a heroic guess at what you want to do and allow you to jump straight to that function without having to navigate the menu structure.
  • Browse EPC Fiche diagrams. Allow a diagram to mix parts from multiple suppliers. Previously assumed supplier of a part was the same as a supplier of the unit.  Some things brewing with KTM/Husaberg WRT to this.
  • Import price file, setup option to not include discount code in description
  • Phonebook.  Print supplier list
  • View deal : display ID on screen
  • Import price file.  If import deletes a stock item because it's qty, max qty and 12 month sales history  is zero, write a line on the log report: Part X (Loc) is no longer carried.  C8 used to do this but this functionality was lost very early on on c8->c9 transition.
  • Setup - database tasks. Added a couple of functions to rationalise part numbers from KTM/Husaberg's currently problematic price files.  More on this in a separate post.
  • Unit floor stock report. Print reference, not VIN
  • Bug: Print receive order sheet.  Sometimes it would falsely print units information for a list of parts which are not even associated with a unit.  This is purely a printing artefact, not a problem with the underlying database. Fixed report to not do this.