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Release 4.321 October 16, 2012 barney
  • New fiche importer for Suzuki Online EPC.  Existing CD based import is still there but towards bottom of the list.  Recommend Suzuki dealers to do a full reimport of Suzuki diagrams.  This new importer provides a number of improvements.
    • Older diagrams are hotspotted
    • Diagram quality is generally better
    • Algorithms for pruning diagram list, both units and diagrams on a unit are more sophisticated and better able to filter out units not shipped to Australia, and diagrams that do not apply for a given unit.
    • Note that new importer, importing from a website, takes significantly longer to run.   Leave it running overnight.
  • Import parts from EPC, such as YPIC etc.  Increase path length from 50 chars to 128 chars
  • Receive Order. For workshop jobs print last mechanic/scheduled mechanic on the receive sheet