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Release 4.325 October 23, 2012 barney

Includes database changes. c9 will force you to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Fixes to selling units on finance
    • When using cash customer deposit, system would not consume deposit on cash account. Now fixed
    • Transaction record written against finance company was GST exempt. Now fixed.  Also, GST on account sales was incorrect and not including ORC GST component. Note that this does not represent a bug on business reports.  Only 'GST' on account transaction; which is non-functional, deprecated, and only used in one part of c9, and only for visual on-screen display.  (View Account Transactions)
  • Fiche Diagrams : you can now print and email them in c9
  • Clocking : Couple of tweaks to make failure to clock off overnight easier to deal with
    • If tech is currently flagged as idle or on break do not pop the warning message and do not record any timesheet information for last task of the day they failed to clock off. Just assume that they intended to clock off for the day but clicked on the wrong button
    • For overnight warning message, if tech's current job occurs after 6 pm,  then present default clockoff time to start of the following hour.