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At present there appears to be multiple issues and problems with KTM & Husaberg pricing and ordering.

The following details things we have done at c9 so far to help compensate for these issues.

The following is our understanding of the problems at this point in time.  Our understanding may be incorrect, it is important you check and communicate with your suppliers directly.

The core issue is that KTM and Husaberg price files cannot be treated as 2 partial price files from a single supplier.   An important constraint is that Husaberg specific parts cannot appear on a KTM order sheet or (presumably) vice versa.  They need to be separate.  Butmac seem to have some process in place where common parts can appear on either, but unit specific parts must be separated.  Because of this, the two price files cannot be just mashed together and they need to be treated as separate suppliers from an ordering perspective.

Another problem is that based on price files we have analyzed, the pricing on many common parts on Husaberg price file are incorrect. 80% of common parts on Husaberg price file are overpriced compared to actual list price.  The KTM file though does appear to be accurate for pricing of common items.

C9 actions and recommendations

If you merged parts onto a combined franchise (KTM & Husaberg), you probably want to confirm above with the supplier and then contact barney to organise to 'disentangle' Husaberg parts from KTM price file and make them separate.  The process of disentanglement is complex and involved, but something we will provide for you free of charge.

If you have separate franchises with KTM and Husaberg parts,  the fact that when you key in a common part number and c9 asks you to pick the supplier, KTM or Husaberg is probably very annoying.  Latest version of C9 includes a couple of modifications to help this. Whenever you import Husaberg price file or Husaberg fiche diagram, do the following:

  • Main Menu
  • Setup
  • System and Database tab
  • Select and run two tasks relating to KTM/Husaberg rationalisation.  Click Execute Task upon selecting the task to run.

What does this do?

  • Price file: It deletes parts from Husaberg price file that also exist on KTM price file
  • Diagram:  it substitutes common parts on Husaberg diagrams (in c9 and on the web) with KTM parts.  So when you pick a part on a Husaberg diagram, on the web or in point of sale, it will actually pick a KTM part.

Note that the rationalisation does not move stocked items.  If you also need  to move Husaberg  stocked items into a separate franchise, please contact Barney and he will perform the move remotely.