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Australia's best motorcycle shop retail software
- New F12 check availability: now supports Eurotread and Link International
- BMW Fiche import : was importing low resolution images for certain diagrams and wasn't getting hotspots right on those diagrams, typically photographed items. Now fixed.
- Miner query results : display row count.
- Browse account. Could not filter on name bits : i.e. last name/first name, etc.
- View Account Transactions : would allow you to jump to corresponding spares/workshop/unit sale but because anyone can keyin a reference number this could cause jumping to non-existant/invalid sale or a sale performed by a completely different customer. Modified and put some rudimentary checks in place.
- Print Statements : as per above. Only print invoices for which rudimentary validity and ownership tests satisfy.
- Quick Books Integration - allow user to select from either Cost of Goods Sold or Expenses chart of accounts. (Previously would only display Expenses)
- Purchase unit : Recent changes made have confused alot of users. Made some tweaks to help with this : when adding a new unit to purchase automatically pop select unit browse window. From here user can either a) select unit, b) key in it's vin, c) Click add unit to add a new one or d) press Escape and key in new unit details