Includes database changes. You will be forced to log c9 out during upgrade
- Customers : ability to set a visual icon. Allows to visually flag troublesome or extra nice customers. Icon is visible in most customer browse/select screens
- Point of sale : disable deposit reclaim if there is no deposit to reclaim
- Workshop spares report : had sale and cost back-to-front. Now fixed.
- workshop jobs encode an 'effort' value. Effort is displayed and tallied in weekly calender so you can get a feel for day to day workload.
- select job - display start date
- Import BRP Side by Side fiche diagrams
- Receive order : under normal circumstances when you have a mix of parts on order for stock and customer, c9 will reallocate parts to preferentially fulfill customer orders first. Under a very rare combination of events this will not happen and parts will goto filling a stock item when there is a waiting customer. Now fixed.
- Honda Warranty export. Although Honda can mass produce a 300km/h street motorcycle, the difference in interpreting date formats '1/11/2012' and '01/11/2012', poses a very challenging software engineering problem; or at least Honda didn't volunteer to fix this at the server side. C9 now encodes dates with leading zeros on date and month.