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Release 4.332 November 21, 2012 barney
  • Major overhaul of Kawasaki fiche diagram importer
    • Bugfix : was locking up while trying to import KVF650 4x4 (2013).   Cause : dodgy image file on Kawasaki causing c9 to enter an infinite loop
    • Bugfix : hotspots on 2013 diagrams incorrect
    • Recoded importer to use same technology approach used by all other importers. More reliable, faster and easier for me to maintain
    • Images are now rescaled and re-sampled. Important for 2013 as 2013 images onsite are very high resolution
  • Orderbook tweaks
    • Display details on workshop/unit/deal spares order. Including actual customer involved in the service/sales department
    • Allow access to view job from orderbook
    • Bugfix : following filter condition created incorrect output : sort by supplier, filter by specific customer.
  • Ctrl+T Manually open till, now appears in business activity reports as a non-volatile entry (cannot be modified or deleted).
  • Point of sale : if you key in a part that is currently on order, c9 will report this to you and give you the option to switch to receive order mode; displaying a shortlist of customers that have that particular part on order.  A large % of shops are not managing their spare parts ordering effectively, and routinely forcibly sell out parts when they should be using customer pickup.  It is hoped that this tweak in behaviour will help curb such usage patterns.
  • Workshop : ability to set fixed $ discount as opposed to % based.