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Release 4.333 November 26, 2012 barney
  • Workshop : job card/invoice/progress prints.  Make sure model year is printed.
  • Bugfix:  Point of sale pickup parts with deposit. Under some rare situations c9 will recommend a deposit reclaim of 0, when it should be some number >0.  Specifically : if there are parts on back order and parts have been discounted.  C9 was not factoring discounting into deposit reclaim calculation correctly and for situations where the order was not being fully supplied (i.e. parts on back order) it would incorrectly recommend a deposit reclaim of 0 as a result.
  • Select any part:  allow user to add a part into stock at this point
  • Add part into stock:  previously if part added was not on master file (price file franchises), the part number was long c9 would trim the part number until it found a shorter part number.  The idea is that if you barcode scan a part number some part numbers, e.g. Suzuki will have trailing '0's on the end.  But sometimes user wishes to legitimately add a part which is not yet on price file.  Tweaked c9 so if c9 does shorten part and find a match on price file it first asks the user whether they want to add the short part number or the original number they keyed in.
  • Website : page title was limited to 80 char entry box. Increased to 250.
  • Spare parts and deposits : if you fiddle deposit up and down and go and reprint the spares invoice, the reprint will be nonsensical because it would add, not subtract deposit refunds to the payment methods and would not adjust tendered.  Now fixed.
  • Spare parts order merge:  merge deposit was not merging onto tendered, meaning reprints of the invoice were also nonsensical.  Now fixed.