Requires database changes. You will be forced to log all terminals out during upgrade
- Do not allow creation of dealer estimate
- Supplier specific instructions on order sheet. Instructions are set via utilities -> edit franchise/edit supplier
- Secure minimum margin on parts.
- If margin on any single part, after factoring discounting is below a preset %, an authorising clerk key is required.
- Only applies on spares sales.
- Does not apply to freeform items
- Test will apply for parts on order.
- Configure on edit staff. New check box.
- Print customer address labels via miner
- Phonebook - allow search by phone number
- Phonebook - visual fixes and tweaks
- Staff - allow zero labour rate
- Customer search by phone, allow search to match with or without state prefix for customers in same state as dealership. For example, in Victoria, a phone number '03 9123 4567' will be indexed as both '0391234567' and '91234567'. Previously, c9 would only index the shortened version
- Orders
- Print/Export order requires a clerk key on initial execution. It also records date print/export occurred
- View order : display information captured above
- Receive order : get clerk key, print clerk on receive sheet. Display clerk in browse received orders
- UI behaviours lost in conversion from c8 to c9
- Old c8 would allow an empty list of have keyboard focus. C9 considers such controls unfocusable. Tweaked to recapture old c8 behaviour.
- Tab traversal via Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab now working, just like old c8.
- Print customer phone on spares invoice
- Spell checker, take whether word is fully upper cased, or first letter capitalised when making spelling suggestions
- Bug fixes
- Promise report contained a subtle bug: running it would in some circumstances prime the instance of c9 for later failure, i.e. selling parts to a job. Now fixed.
- Changes made to miner a couple of months ago broke remote access. You could not view miner query results via remote access. Now fixed.
- Closed floorplan report : was incorrectly including partially curtailed units. Fixed.
- Unit deal. If you manipulate deposit and then invoice parts on a deal in the same 'modify deal' session. The details of the deposit changes will be forgotten; as though you never keyed them in. Now fixed.
- Spares: Freeform items on order need to have unique identifiers so that printing and receiving can discriminate separate freeform items as indeed being separate. There is a situation where this fails and freeform items are combined on printing and receiving order: when merging onto an existing invoice. Now fixed.
- Spares: when offering to merge order onto existing invoice, make sure invoice is locked first, so that another terminal is not simultaneously invoicing received parts for same invoice.
- Workshop: sell spares via workshop. Was not asking for a clerk key. Now fixed.