Inventory checking for Yamaha is now possible. The process of configuring it although is slightly complex.
The complexity arises because Yamaha require something known as a 'client side certificate' in order to access their site. C9 can handle this no worries, the only additional complexity from c9's point of view is you need to give c9 a Certificate file and the password for that file.
The real complexity although is getting the certificate file in the first place.
If Yamaha have provided it in an email, you can try and just add it into c9 as is and you might get lucky.
Otherwise you need to extract the certificate out of Internet Explorer. This process is complex. Read on for more details.
Extracting Client Certificate from Internet Explorer
Firstly you need to download a program called mimikatz. The program is a command line tool that is considered by many anti virus software to be a hacking tool, so your antivirus is likely to complain about it's presence on your computer. To make things more fun, the tool's output is in French.
To download the tool, open up a new browser and key in domain name yamahaf12 dot c8software dot com dot au . We cannot include full domain here has it flips out Norton and other overly protective anti-virus software. (BTW, just because antivirus is overly protective doesn't mean it is good. Some anti virus products out there are very intrustive and constantly generate false positives, a good antivirus program is one that minimizes infection risk but still lets you get on with work you need to do without getting in the way).
The unzipped file structure is thus.
│ lisezmoi.txt ├───tools │ PsExec.exe │ tee.exe │ winmine.exe ├───Win32 │ kappfree.dll │ kelloworld.dll │ klock.dll │ mimikatz.exe │ mimikatz.sys │ sekurlsa.dll └───x64 kappfree.dll kelloworld.dll klock.dll mimikatz.exe mimikatz.sys sekurlsa.dll
You need to run mimikatz.exe, and run the one that is appropriate for your operating system architecture. either 32bit or 64bit.
Once you've run it. You need to key in following commands. (you can copy from below and right click and paste them into mimikatz)
This will place one ore more files the same directory with an extension of PFX. You need to pick the right one. It will probably contain the name of your shop in it.
Suggest copy the file into c:\c9\ folder temporarily. C9 doesn't like very long paths, and referencing this file from Downloads/ for example may not work. In c9 steps below, if you see '$$$$$$$$' after selecting the file, you will need to move it somewhere so it's full path is shorter.
Note that all certificates exported using mimikatz have a password set as : mimikatz. You will need this for the next step.
Now, in c9, key in a common Yamaha part number. Press F12. When window opens key in your YDC user name and password and key in location of certification & the password (mimikatz). e.g.:
The result:
Note: the setup process only needs to be done once on one terminal only. Configured details, including the certificate are stored in c9's database. All other terminals will automatically utilize these saved configuration details to perform inventory checks.