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Release 4.339 December 5, 2012 barney

Includes database changes. You will be forced to log terminals out during upgrade

  • Bugfix with workshop profit report: was mis reporting labour due to rounding errors. If minute component was >=50 minutes, it would round the hour up.  i.e. 4:55 becomes 5:55.  Whereas 4:45 was okay.  Now fixed.
  • Bulk mailer via miner.  Increased allowed email body size from 8k to 24k.  8k too small for typical HTML messages
  • Introduced benchmarks on workshop jobs.  On a job type you can configure ideal time the task should take and ideal $ you expect to charge for job type.  This information is reflected on workshop staff and profit report.  It shows a +/- against the report entry; + indicates performance above benchmark and - indicates performance below.  Measure is in ratio percentage.  i.e. +50.0 = %50 above the benchmark.  System includes following smarts:
    • Does not report benchmark on jobs in progress.  Because c9 does not know how close or how far away the job is from completion, it cannot meaningfully benchmark the job.  Only completed & invoiced jobs report benchmark
    • Jobs with multiple job types are handled. (benchmark figures are added together)
    • Staff report copes with multiple staff working on same job by taking a ratio of their relative contribution to the job into account.