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If you subscribe to online backup service and your server's hard drive fails, to recover you download your backup from c9 website.  The backup will contain all your data, including up to the minute invoices right up until the point of the server failure.

The complication though is trying to download your backup file if you have lots of data. Especially if you have parts diagrams  installed in c9 you will have massive amounts of data.  As much as 3 Gb. The process of downloading the data can possibly take upto several hours.  Meaning your downtime could be the better part of a day.

New changes to c9, available shortly, mean this downtime is now much shorter.  When you download the backup file, the download only contains critical information needed to get back up and running as fast as possible.  Things such as diagrams, images, and invoice information older than 12 months is not downloaded.

Once c9 is back up and running it will automatically download the remaining information in the background; getting your system and the online backup into synchronization while you are using c9.

Result is from point of failure you can have system up and running with the database on a new computer and processing sales in as little as 30 minutes.