C9 as of version 4.344 is getting a user interface overhaul. This page explains the changes to c9 and how the look and feel of the application change.
In summary, all the menu screens of c9 are gone and are replaced with controls on the top and on the side of the c9 application.
Illustrating this by comparing old version to new version side by side.
Basic Navigation
To access functions in c9 you firstly click at the top to indicate the section you want to access. Then on the left you click on the sub option you want.
C9 only lets you have one thing on the go at a time (with exception of fiche diagrams, see below). But the new layout means you can switch from one thing to another without having to exit one thing and enter another. You can just jump straight there.
Other features - Memorization and Favourites
C9 memorizes your last selections and jumps back to where you were last.
Also c9 builds up a list of favourites in the sub menu. For things you use alot , c9 will memorise these and make it easier to re-select these.
Other features - search
Under the main option, you can search for functions. Key in search type and c9 will allow you to jump to various sections that provide this.
Other features - fiche diagrams
You can now switch between fiche and point of sale using top menu structure without losing the diagram you are currently looking at. Means you can look at diagrams while in the middle of other tasks and switch back without losing your progress. Also switch back to the last diagram you were picking from while in the middle of point of sale.
Keyboard control
Main menu options are hot keyed. You can press hot key to access that option. If you are on a screen that also has that hot key, then you can try and press Alt + Function Key to switch to the menu.
Another way is to press F1. F1 moves focus from the content part of the system to the menu part. When focus changes, background color of the side/top bars changes to dark blue. To indicate keyboard focus is now there. Illustrating
After selecting an option you can use arrow keys to up and down to move around the sub menu. Use left and right arrow keys to expand/collapse options.
Also you can use letters corresponding to underlined options to jump to/expand sub menu options. i.e. Press 'S' for point of sale
Logging out/Exiting
To logout you now need to select 'Main' then logout. To exit you can either select 'Main' then 'Exit' or as before either select 'File' -> 'Exit' or click on cross in top right of c9.