Includes database changes. c9 will force you to log all terminals out during upgrade.
- Account Customers
- Accounts now have a suspended flag. Cannot transact with such accounts.
- You can now write off bad debt on account customers. Recorded as a different transaction type which appears as a separate line item on transaction tally and business reporting.
- When recording a bad debt the account is automatically flagged as suspended.
- View Customers: Enter key triggers view customers again, not modify. (Swap caused by recent UI change)
- Workshop
- Modified effort so it tracks as time interval measure. Not an arbitrary number
- Effort displayed on main select job screen
- Weekly planner
- Previously would only show rounded down effort summary. Now shows as hh:mm correctly added up
- Up/Down move buttons now allow you to organise order of items under a date. Instead of just modifying the date of the highlighted item
- Ability to filter planner based on scheduled mechanic. (Notes are never filtered)
- Track date unit arrived in the shop as separate from start date.
- Estimates : set/modify effort. Effort is copied onto job when job is created based on an estimate
- Categorise job types into one of the following:
- Internal/Pre Delivery
- Regular Service (Periodic Maintenance)
- Repair (General Repair)
- Modification
- Warranty/Recall
- Other
- C9 now memorizes column widths for main workshop select screen and weekly planner
- Spares : if account has custom defined name of main/mobile then print that on A4 invoice instead of stock 'Mobile:' or 'Phone:'
- Misc
- Entering time fields now more flexible. Previously you could not key in '6' or '630' but it would accept '06' or '0630'. Now fixed. Other subtle tweaks too. i.e. ':30' means '0:30', where previously it was interpreted as '30:00'
- Colour coded list controls such a workshop job list would lose colour coding intermittently going back to plain uncoloured lists when doing operations that heavily manipulated the list ; for example move items up and down relative schedule. Now fixed.
- Bug fix : F12 receive part would not work and not recognise parts ready to be received under some unusual and rare circumstances. Following will replicate behaviour.
- Receive contains parts that have been superceeded and supercession was recorded after order was originally received
- In f12 screen there are invoices below the invoice being selected
- In f12 screen the last invoice on the screen refers to parts on order from a franchise that not the same franchise as the part system is trying to receive
- Remote access
- New version deployed to cope with time format input and colour loss bug on lists
- New version is alos now self signed. Last few versions were not meaning you could not run remote client inside a web browser. Should now be fixed.