Electronically import invoices into receive order
C9 includes the ability to electronically import invoices during receive spare parts. At this time only invoices from other c9 powered dealerships are supported though we will quickly add other invoice types. Starting with major suppliers such as Honda. Instead of having to key in prices and receive quantities this information is extracted electronically. At the bottom of c9 powered invoices you will now see the following (only prints if you have online backup installed):
In receive order is an option 'F9 =Electronic Import'. From here you key in the E-Reference number and it will import all the parts from the invoice automatically. Including correct quantities and pricing.
Electronically import price files from participating dealers
You can now import price files from other dealers without having to ask them for their price file or handle email attachments. In Import price file is a new option. Import From other C9 Dealers. Upon selecting this, you can see all c9 customers that publish a given price file for a search type. On selecting and clicking OK, c9 will download their price file right into your system without requiring any further effort from you.
To enable your franchises so other dealers can access them this way. You need to goto Spares -> Utilities. Modify the franchise and check the option : "Allow trade customers to access my pricing online".
Other changes
- View dealer units. Show trust receipt and allow user to key in trust receipt into filter box to only show units on that trust receipt.
- Bugfixes and tweaks
- View invoice. Would select the parent invoice to view even though user selected child invoice. Had to manually reselect child invoice. Now fixed.
- Weekly planner. Up/Down buttons not working correctly when in 'sort by promise date' view. Also tweaked database logic to fix other logic problems and improve performance.
- Fiche Diagram. when double clicking on an item where diagram says there is zero on diagram; add one to put on point of sale anyway.
- C9 new UI and taskbar. Make sure taskbar description of c9 reflects the major section the user is currently in.
- Another New UI tweak: relating to changing to different section. Do not force section change if user select same section.
- Accounts : print customer name/address. Disable access if logged in user has miner access disabled