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The following post explains how to setup google analytics and webmaster tools on your c9 powered website.  It does not provide a tutorial on how to effectively use these products. Only how to get them up and running.

Webmaster Tools

Firstly you need to access and open an account on webmaster tools. Goto and login/create an account

Click add a site.

Type in name of your c9 website.

Now you need to verify you own the site. Firstly ,select alternative methods and select HTML tag.  Copy the text in step 1. We will paste this into c9 shortly.

Now in c9, goto Business, Website, Settings. Click on SEO. Highlight Default and click on modify.

Now in Modify, Goto Raw Header HTML and paste in the string that google wants you to paste in.

Click ok.  Wait about 10 to 15 seconds to the changes to sync to your website. Now in google page, you should now be able to click on verify.


Analytics is a very similar process.

Signin, create an account here :

Click admin and click new account

You will get a tracking ID. This is to be pasted into SEO exactly the same as verification code above.

Click OK and you are done.  The tracking ID will be inserted into your webpage within a few seconds.