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Release 4.350 March 14, 2013 barney

Bug fixes

  • Bulk stock take import.  UI changes damaged this function in an unexpected way.  You could not click on the (...) button to select Excel file. You had to key in file path manually. Now fixed
  • Edit web order email template. Clicking 'save' would save template changes but not close the window: creating confusing behaviour
  • Web order email template. Contained a subtle bug where certain custom email header templates would not render. Could be worked around by adding {''} at the bottom of the template. This version fixes the problem without requiring workaround/hack.  (Reason: html style blocks like { border: 1px solid } would try to convert as a placeholder; failing because they are not valid expression statements and loading global error variable with an error code. import bound function would see an error and although the evaluate() function yielded content assume the evaluation failed. Adding {''} would clear global error variable working around the problem. Fix involves explicitly calling clearError() inside the bound import function ).